Tuesday, March 31, 2009

An interesting autodriver

I had been to Kumaran Stores to buy blouse pieces to be given as gifts for the women folk on the day of Neha's ayushhomam. On my way back I got into this brand new auto. The driver did not know the route to my place. I thought to myself that he must be new to Chennai. I asked him about this and pat came the reply "I was a manager in a jewellery mart for 15 yrs. I developed stomach ulcer and changed profession to get back in shape". Jumping into the fire from frying pan I guess.. Neways that is not what I wanted to write about... He gave me some gyan about the jewellery business. He is also planning to open up a jewellery shop on his own next year. A kg of gold costs 15lakhs as of today (or yesterday). He is waiting for the gold price to come down. He also said that Saravana stores gold jewellery (useful info) is quite good and also the best place to get diamonds is Rajmandir in Cathedral Road (useful at the cost of a big dent in hubby's purse).Interesting guy but a typical autodriver too in that he did not accept the fare I was willing though he did not know much about the distance/autofares in Chennai.

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