Saturday, May 23, 2009

Neha's vocabulary

My daughter surprised me more than once in the last 3 days...
On Sunday afternoon, Baby N(1 Year old) was playing with the a.c remote. I was just watching her with a water bottle in my hand. Suddenly I had this urge to ask her what it was... Prompt came the reply "bottle". I had the shock of my life. I never expected her to tell that. She can say "paatti" (meaning grandma) and "maadu" (meaning cow) too. My daughter who still cannot say "amma" can say bottle, maadu and paatti. How cool is that? (It is not that cool after all *sigh*).
Yesterday after I reached home from office, she wanted me to take her out for a short walk. Any guesses what she did?? She ran and fetched my dupatta so I can take her out and said "bye" pointing to the door... (*urgh* So my mom is not the only one who will behind me to make sure I get properly dressed)May be it is not such a great thing but it made me think we have parented a child prodigy for a second. Right after we came back I gave her her evening meal. All the usual tantrums, me losing out on her and finally giving up and she eating from my mom's plate... She is definitely a NORMAL Child...
Updated: Some more words .. bag,watch,apple,sattai...

1 comment:

Truthful WalKing said...

sure kids surprises us all the time... well she doesnt want talk to the obvious.. dupatta episode was the highlight..